
Our Five Aspirations

I have five ‘Core Aspirations’ for our company.  These are the things that set us apart from the rest of the real estate franchise world. 

I want ROOST Real Estate Co. and Lucky Town Real Estate Co. to:

  1. Be the Most Referred Real Estate Brand in the Land
  2. Keep Clients for Life
  3. Be the Only Partner our Realtors Will Ever Need
  4. Lead in Average Agent Productivity
  5. Support the Most Profitable Broker Owners in the Industry

Continuous improvement towards achieving aspirations 1 and 2 are pre-requisites for achieving numbers 3, 4, and 5.  But the reality is, all five aspirations support and enhance the whole.  Improvement in one aspiration supports improvement in all of the others.  It all sounds a little out there I know but bear with me.

We are playing a different game than our commoditized competition.  We are making our own rules and establishing our own unique criteria for success.  These are the outcomes that matter to us.  We will measure our improvement in each aspiration over time. 

Our competitors will eventually have to grade themselves against the standards we set.

The value of a ROOST Real Estate Co. or Lucky Town Real Estate Co. franchise is in the processes we have created, documented, and made available to our broker owner partners.  Process is the not so sexy twin of what most people perceive as a brand.  The real value of a McDonald’s franchise is in the systems, methods, and processes designed to ensure the profitability of the business. 

Let’s face it, anyone can make a hamburger, but very few people can make billions of hamburgers at scale, and at a profit.  Not to put too fine a point on it, just about anyone can get a real estate license and sell a house or two too.  Creating a scalable and sustainable business listing and selling houses is not so easy. 

An individual involved in selling a product or service is involved in a transaction.  An individual or company involved in selling a process, is involved in transformation.  We want to be in the transformation business.  It is counterintuitive to many, but the security of working within a proven process leads to greater creativity, connections and transformation.  A unique process will give you the tools you need to lead your team, your market, and our industry.

The majority of our unique methods and processes are centered on marketing and advertising.  I believe that to be a successful entrepreneur in any industry, one has to be a successful marketer.  Marketing drives the business and consistent execution drives results. I look at Real Estate Brands Ltd. as a marketing company that just happens to work in the real estate industry.

Dan Sullivan, founder of the Strategic Coach™, has distilled the duties of an entrepreneur to their very essence.  Sullivan defines marketing as the systematic planning, implementing, and control of business activity to bring together buyers and sellers.  He defines sales as a transaction between two parties where the buyer received goods, services, or assets in exchange for money.  Finally, he defines an entrepreneur as a person whose primary duties are the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company.

Will we ever achieve 100% of all five of my core aspirations?  I hope not.  It is the challenge that motivates us and pushes us to achieve our own bigger futures.  For more information about our company check us out at www.PartnerWithROOST.com.  Or email me directly at Chris@RealEstateBrandsLTD.com