
Leverage Your Real Estate Legacy

Every real estate broker who has owned and operated a real estate sales or property management company for any appreciable length of time has in the process built a personal reputation, a brand reputation, and a business that is a potentially valuable financial asset.

This book is not about the numbers, per se. It is about the emotional considerations, and the mindsets one must cultivate to make a successful transition from being in the thick of the day-to-day running of a real estate brokerage, and into something new.

That “something new” could be retirement, an extended sabbatical, a new way of being and operating in the real estate industry, or a completely new career path. 

Many of us are too busy, too invested in our clients’ welfare, or just in too deep to step back and take a hard look at where we are and what we have created. I want to help you do that. I think you will be amazed at what you have accomplished. 

Your business has supported and sustained you over the years and has intrinsic value in and of itself. Your business is, or can be with the right intention, an asset that can be bought and sold like any other asset. 

Your brokerage isn’t just any asset, however. This is your company, your baby and your life’s work. Your company has always been, and hopefully always will be, more than a dollar figure on someone’s personal financial statement.

Having said that, know that there are many real estate professionals out there who would love the chance to purchase your brokerage. For them, your company is a chance to scale, to add new expertise, add new services, increase market share, or gain a foothold in a new market.

Let’s be clear, just because these potential buyers covet your company does not mean any of them are the right fit for your company.

That begs the question: Who would be the right person to acquire your company and expand your legacy into the future? What would the perfect buyer be like? What would they value? What would be important to them? What could they bring to the table that would ensure viability well into the future?

I submit that these are questions worth asking. 

So, whether the thought of selling your business has ever crossed your mind or not, I think you will find value in this book. Don’t assume that just anyone can succeed you. Don’t just hand off your company to the first person that shows up with a cash offer. This is about far more than money. It is about you and your future.