
Week 9: Our Way in the Industry

Welcome to Week 9: Our Way in the Industry 

I see our company as a beacon of light in an industry that is becoming increasingly dark and complex. Yes, I said that out loud. It’s a little dramatic but I mean it.

Let’s face it, most of us are getting hit from all sides every day. Internet entrepreneurs are skimming our listing information and using it to create leads they try to sell back to us.
Our relationships with other agents and companies are becoming increasingly competitive, and often just plain mean. We know of course that our competitors are not bad people. Like all of us they sometimes are simply frustrated and a little scared.

Thanks to the internet and HGTV, our clients often get bad information and that can make our jobs harder.

The thing that is most troubling is that many of our potential clients and customers see all Realtors as the same. They often consider us to be interchangeable and the service we provide a commodity. Some people just don’t trust us at all.

So what is the real estate professional to do?

First of all, we must be confidant in the skills, enthusiasm, experience and expertise that we bring to the market. We must be comfortable and secure in the value we bring to each and every relationship.
Through our actions, our one on one communications, and in our marketing efforts, we must show that we are the trusted partner the customer has been looking for. We have to be the source of accurate information, and thoughtful advice and counsel.

We also have to continuously expand our individual capabilities and get better and better at what we do. We have to raise the bar on our own performance before the market does it for us.

Developing a referral based personal business model that allows you to work with people who already know and like you is a pretty big deal too. This is how we roll at ROOST. We think you should consider rolling with us.

– Shayna