
Week 12: The Agent Experience: Attracting New Agents – Our Best Candidates Are Referred by Our Own Agents 

It should come as no surprise that our best agent candidates are referred to us by our best agents. Chris is always happy to schedule an appointment with almost anyone that wants to talk about our company, but he always asks them to read A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to the Good Life first. Anyone who reads the book and still makes the appointment, is almost always pre-sold on what we have to offer. If the book resonated with the prospective agent at all, they want to learn more. If the book is perceived as an obstacle to whatever that agent’s personal goals are, they screen themselves out.

Even if the meeting goes well there is generally a lengthy courtship process because successful agents are busy earning a living and any move, even a good move, will disrupt their business to some degree. There is also the issue of ending their relationship with their current broker. Even in less than satisfying relationships, breaking up is hard to do. That is why it is critical to keep the good will of the make or break moment alive by staying in touch online and in person.

The Candidate Screening Process – One of the recruiting tools we have in development is called The Good Life for Realtors Mindset Scorecard®. This screening tool is one of a series of marketing ‘scorecards’ we are developing for agents, buyers, sellers, property management clients, staff members, and prospective ROOST and Lucky Town franchisees. 


 The beauty of the scorecard is that within twelve minutes, a prospective agent will know intuitively whether they belong with us or not. Depending on how they score, we know too.

That was fun, let’s do this again next week on the topic of: The Agent Experience: The Online Agent Attraction Strategy