
Week 34: The Broker Owner Experience: The ROOST Culture

The following core values of the company are critical to delivering the results our clients deserve. A career with ROOST is not for everybody, but for those who share our desire to transform the real estate industry, the potential for growth, achievement, and unlimited income are all very real.

We Are All Free to Do What We Do Best

Chris’s unique ability is creating business opportunities and strategies designed to support and add value to the lives of real estate professionals and clients. So the highest and best use of Chris’s time is spent assessing situations, identifying problems, creating solutions, and working with clients and team members in implementing those solutions. And Chris wants his team members to be free to do what they do best as well.

At ROOST, we strive to maintain a work environment where everyone can maximize their unique abilities. We want to ensure that each person is the right fit for each job. To that end, we use Kolbe testing to help us define our job descriptions and choose the right person for each job.

We Are Dedicated to Personal Growth

ROOST Real Estate Company is the result of years of experience, and thousands of transactions. As the velocity of change continues to increase, we have be out in front of that change. We are on the leading edge of what the 21st century real estate brokerage must be to meet both the challenges and the needs of the industry and our clients.

We want to see our team members realize their full potential, both personal and professional. We believe in personal coaching and self-development and make these resources accessible to our team members. Being licensed by the state is critical to providing greater value to our clients, making more money, and advancing within the organization. So we support our staff members who desire to be licensed ROOST Real Estate Company professionals.


The key is to find ways to be of greater and greater value to our clients. We believe in abundance and the power of relationships. We reject the scarcity mindset of a transaction based business where our services devolve into lower cost and lower value commodities. We are dedicated to expanding systems and networks of cooperation that multiply everyone’s resources and results.

We Work by Referral

Each ROOST Real Estate Company office is a stand-alone, referral based, Lead Generation Machine. Working by referral is a key point of differentiation for us. We cultivate referrals from our tenants, owners, past and current buyers and sellers, and from our individual spheres of influence.


ROOST strives to become an integral part of the fabric of the communities where we do business. We continuously look for “cause marketing” opportunities where our desire to contribute dovetails with our desire to communicate our brand and message to our target audience.