
Week 18: The Agent Experience: The Rhythm of Our Business

Another key difference in the culture of our company is how we embrace the annual rhythm of our business. Working by referral makes for more consistent income throughout the year, the business is still seasonal. Our agents need to be aware of it, be comfortable in it, and we need to lead the way.

Chris knows exactly when we need to be ‘in’ the business, when we need to be working ‘on’ the business, and when we need to be focused on recovery and rejuvenation. Working against the rhythms leads to decreased productivity, stress, mistakes, and burnout. 

Holidays and Long Weekends are not earned as a reward in the future. Time off and rest must be a top priority to ensure long-term success.

Chris counsel his agents to mark off every national holiday on their calendar as a free day for the rest of their lives. And the weekend that surrounds it. Start with Christmas, New Year’s, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving. 

Our clients are taking this time off, and they support our agents taking time off as well. If they don’t, they need to be released back to the market to find another agent to torture. We deserve better. 

The ‘All-In’ Season encompases Spring and Summer. A referral based business produces steady income over the year, but spring and summer takes businesses to another level. Chris likes to list on Valentine’s Day, being ready and waiting for Spring’s first buyers in March.

This is the time to be 100% committed, working late at least a couple of nights a week and at least one day each weekend. The business is there, it’s time to be ‘all-in’.

February through April is frenetic, so take that much needed pause for Easter and spring break. May through July are the peak, so a Memorial Day weekend break is crucial. June slows around graduation and Father’s Day, so take a breather.

A strong July is critical, but Independence Day week is vacation week for clients, so agents, vacate too. A lot of business occurs in July, but by the end, things slow down as vacation shifts back to school, bringing us to August. 

The Mid-Year Recovery – August is the end of the All-In period, and one of the slowest months of the year for contracts and new business. But one of the biggest months for closings. Take a break and celebrate another successful season!

Chris calls the last third of the year The ‘On the Business’ Season. Time to review your spring and summer, develop new capabilities, continue your education, maybe hit a convention. Create space to reflect and Start on next year’s business plan. 

The holiday season starts with Halloween and spills like a hangover into the first week of January. The holidays are the most important time of the year for referral encouragement. Make calls, write notes and cards, give gifts & go to parties!

We approach the holiday season with a plan and sense of purpose. Contact everyone in your database at least once. Your November and December create the January referrals and February closings that other agents only dream about. This is the ‘All-In’ season for gratitude and celebration.

And now for The Year-End Recovery – Our agents have done great work, and it is time to take a break with family and friends. Christmas through New Year’s is a guilt-free time to enjoy yourself and your accomplishments. Next spring and summer are right around the corner!

Phew, that was a long year! Next week, The Agent Experience and The Agent Service Manager is somebody you want to meet. See you soon!