
Week 17: The Agent Experience: The Four Freedoms of a Real Estate Professional

If real estate doesn’t offer a superior way of making our way in the world, Chris doesn’t see the point of being in the business at all. There are easier ways to make a living. Much of A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to the Good Life paints a picture of what the life of a real estate professional can be like. For many agents, life could and should be better. 

Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach™ (more about Strategic Coach in Part #3) He  says that successful entrepreneurs enjoy four ‘freedoms’. The freedom of time, money, relationship, and purpose. Chris thought a lot over the years about what these four freedoms might look like for real estate professionals. and how we as brokers can help our agents learn to enjoy them.

Freedom of Time puts our agents in control of their days. At the end of the day, how many agents really have control over their time? Whether it’s financial pressure or lack of support to focus on clients and relationships, too often their time is not their own. 

Freedom of Money relates to that unlimited income potential agents were promised. But unless they have the resources, training, and support, real estate pays rather poorly. Freedom of money at our company means that our agents have everything they need to build a business big enough to meet their income goals. 

Freedom of Relationship means our agents get to choose who they will and will not work with. Most agents try to work with and please those who do not appreciate their efforts and are often just plain abusive. We strive to set them free from those pressures.

Freedom of Purpose – Every agent needs a purpose. Be that a personal or financial goal, or the satisfaction of helping people make the big moves in their lives, we all want to be free to be a hero to our clients. 

Next up next week, The Agent Experience: On The Rhythm of Our Business