
Week 32: The Broker Owner Experience: Brand Position and Concepts

Back in 2012, Chris partnered with Andy Hayes of Hucklebuck Design Studio to bring ROOST Real Estate Company to life. Andy’s portfolio included branding for several prominent establishments local to Springfield, Ohio, as well as some work with nationally recognized companies. After several extensive meetings and interviews, Andy distilled the essence of the company in Chris’s head to four key attributes: Smart, Passionate, Approachable, and Supportive

Here are the key attributes of our brand, and their corresponding benefits:

Roost makes the process easy to understand and not intimidating. Clients are empowered to approach ROOST, knowing they’ll be informed and helped along the way.

ROOST Provides options for every stage in your life – from rental to purchase through to investment. ROOST will grow with the client, or meet them where they are.

ROOST offers a more laid back real estate experience designed to be warm and welcoming. This engenders strong customer loyalty and long-term relationships.

The ROOST Real Estate Company brand and associated marks have been developed to embody our market position and value proposition. Each of our lines of business have color-themed and coordinated brochures, yard signs, online content, postcards, billboards, stationery, business cards, swag, and office design elements that support the business. This ensures consistency and uniformity from office to office and agent to agent. And most importantly makes an emotional connection with our clients.

To sum up, this is our Brand Position:

That wraps up Brand Positioning – up next we have The Broker Owner Experience: Brick and Mortar.